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Loys Leon Hotchkiss
L.L. Hotchkiss Elementary was dedicated after Loys Leon Hotchkiss, who was born on April 8, 1898 in Tolona, Missouri. L.L. Hotchkiss was the eldest child of Bert Hotchkiss and Ada Cloyd Murdock. L.L. Hotchkiss, also known as Hotch, served in World War I at the age 19 and was part of the first American troops to reach France as well as the first outfit to capture the first German machine gun. L.L. Hotchkiss has always had a love for the outdoors and it was that calling that led him to the Boys Scout movement. In October 1936 L.L. Hotchkiss started his 23 year scouting service in Dallas, where he served as Scout Exceutive for the Dallas based 14 county Circle Ten Council, which grew ten-fold under his guidance. The world is and will be a better place to live because of Hotch, he was a good Scout.